Thursday, April 24, 2008

What would I do on the Last Day I Lived

"Tomorrow is your last day on earth." said the doctor. "You will most likely die sometime tomorrow." I had been poisoned. The poison took a while to work but when it does, it is fatal. I couldn't believe it. I had so much to do in so little time. I decided to spend the rest of my money on a trip around the world. I would rent a fast, private jet. It would transport me from place to place. I would wake up at 5:00 A.M. and travel to the airport. Of course, I would take my family and pets. Our first stop would be the Grand Canyon. We will be there from 8:00 to 8:10. We would then travel to the Sanoran Desert. We would be there from 9:00 to 9:10. We will travel north to Yellowknife, Canada. We will spend 11:00 to 12:00 there. We then would trek to the Amazon. We will spend one hour there from 3:00 to 4:00. I wanted to visit Europe, but there would be no way we could see Japan. So we made the final leg of the journey to Japan. We arrived at 8:00 P.M., even though in Japanese time it was early morning. But in Tokyo, everything was still open. So, I ate at the best restaurant money can buy. It had all my favorite foods. After finishing the meal, I began to shake all over. Then, there lay me dead on the floor.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Have I Found Joy and Passed it to Others?

Have I found joy? Yes, I have. My joy is the outdoors. I love to be outside. I am dazzled by nature and hope to have a job in the outdoors. I like to observe animals in their natural habitat and hope to see the world's wildlife. Every time I am stressed I go outside and I feel instantly relaxed. My other joy is being with my family. I like to travel and be with them. They keep me happy when I would be mad if they were not there. My third joy is my pets. They have a different aspect to them that is hard to explain. I have had many pets including many cats and dogs and more unusual ones such as a hermit crab, fish, a chameleon, and an injured hawk we sent to an animal shelter. This joy is similar to my joy of the outdoors. I like to care for animals and be outside in short.

Have I ever spread my joy? That would be a yes. I enjoy sharing my knowledge of nature to family and friends, especially with my brother. We will be outside and my brother sees a bird and I tell him the name of it. I also enjoy going on night walks with my dad since I enjoy nocturnal animals such as bats and owls. If you look at my blog title you will notice it says Tyto Alba which is the name for the common Barn Owl also known as the Monkey Faced Owl or the Ghost Owl. It is not the typical hoot owl you commonly know of. Instead, it sounds a lot different calling a shrill shriek! and it looks very different too. Instead of having yellow eyes and the face of a normal owl it has dark brown eyes, a white bowl shaped face, and long, naked legs. I have put out Barn Owl nest boxes and hope they take residence in them. If they do, my family will have another wonderful joy to add to their list.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Three Things I Value the Most

The three things I value the most are my faith, family, and our planet. I value my faith because even in the hardest times the Lord is always there. I value my family because without them I would not be here. I value Earth because it is so perfect and without it I would die.

I will start on my number one value, faith. Without the lord, I would not be here nor would anything else. NOTHING. I have a life line. It gets me through the the day and protects me. It gives me eternal life in heaven which is the best value of all.

The next value is family. Also without them I would not be here but not to such a large extent. They feed me and give me a home and buy me all my necessary needs. My family helps me with problems. My family also helps me when I am in trouble. Without them I would also be VERY SAD. I would break down. They are also very fun to be with. They love me very much and I love them too.

The third is our planet. I love to be outside. The Earth is so perfect. It is the exact proximity to the sun, it can sustain itself, and it has many forms of life. Earth fascinates me. It gives me a place to live and things to sustain me. If Earth was just a tad bit different, we would die. Once again, this brings us to the first value. Without the lord, the world would not be the same and I wouldn't even be here. So the three things I value most are family, our planet, and especially faith.